BluE Nexus Corporation
Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota City, Japan, July 31, 2020―BluE Nexus Corporation (BluE Nexus) and Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced today that they will collaborate to prepare for the accelerated adoption of electrified vehicles by working together to increase their competitiveness in products related to electrification as well as to fortify their sales structure, including their technical support and services, among others, rendered to their customers.

Since its establishment in April 2019, BluE Nexus has been engaged in the development and sales of electric drive modules essential for electrified vehicles and in control calibration services for such modules. Meanwhile, Toyota, applying its strengths as a manufacturer of completed vehicles, has been selling entire vehicle powertrain systems, such as the Toyota Hybrid System, to other companies.

As they look toward the accelerated adoption of electrified vehicles, BluE Nexus and Toyota aim to join forces and use their core competencies, namely Toyota's control calibration technologies for engines, batteries, and other major peripheral components as well as BluE Nexus's well-developed lineup of electric drive modules, to respond to requests from all types of customers around the world.

Additionally, Toyota will provide a new investment contribution, taking a 10 percent stake of BluE Nexus to achieve this goal. Going forward, BluE Nexus and Toyota will work together to establish a sales structure wherein they will be able to mutually apply their core competencies, with BluE Nexus serving as the primary sales contact for electrification systems* and Toyota providing technological support.

BluE Nexus and Toyota intend to strengthen their competitiveness in electrification systems and to contribute to the further adoption of electrified vehicles toward realizing a sustainable society.

* Toyota will remain the sales contact for fuel cell systems.

Outline of BluE Nexus Corporation

  Current From August 2020
Date of establishment April 2019
Location 1-3-2 Mikawa Anjo Minami-machi, Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Capitalization 50 million yen
President Kozo Yamaguchi
Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.
50 percent
DENSO Corporation
50 percent
Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.
45 percent
DENSO Corporation
45 percent
Toyota Motor Corporation
10 percent
Principal lines of business Developing, calibrating, and selling electric drive modules for vehicle electrification Comprehensive electrification consulting; developing, calibrating, and selling electrification systems and modules
Beyond Zero

"Achieving zero, and adding new value beyond it"

As part of efforts to pass our beautiful "Home Planet" to the next generation, Toyota has identified and is helping to solve issues faced by individuals and overall society, which Toyota calls "Achieving Zero," hoping to help reduce the negative impacts caused by these issues to people and the environment to zero. Additionally, Toyota is also looking "Beyond Zero" to create and provide greater value by continuing to diligently seek ways to improve lives and society for the future.

About Beyond Zero