Oct. 30, 1987
Toyota City―TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION celebrates its 50th anniversary on November 3, 1987. Founded in 1937 with the aim of establishing an automobile industry in Japan, it started volume production a year later on completion of the Koromo Plant (now the Honsha Plant).
Toyota's production facilities were extensively modernized to allow the development and production of domestic passenger cars in the mid-1950s. The announcement of the Toyopet Crown in 1955 and Toyopet Corona in 1957, along with the completion of the Motomachi plant, Japan's first plant dedicated solely to the production of passenger cars, in 1959, signalled the completion of the first step toward the establishment of a Japanese automobile industry.
One of Toyota's most popular models ever, the Corolla, gained overwhelming popularity in the domestic market after its 1966 unveiling, becoming not only the spark for an automobile boom in Japan, but a driving force in exports as well.
By enhancing sales and service systems, Toyota laid a firm foundation in the domestic market and the announcement of new models one after another to meet the increasingly diversified demands of the market helped to keep the company ahead of the domestic trend in motorization.
Steady progress in exports, global expansion through the establishment of overseas bases and a supply of automobiles that fit the climate and condition of each country helped Toyota reach record accumulated production in Japan―10 million units―by 1972.
Throughout the 1970s, Toyota constantly directed its efforts toward social problems involving automobile safety, exhaust control, and resource and fuel saving. It was also active in social and cultural fields, including traffic safety campaigns, international cultural exchange activities, and the establishment of The Toyota Foundation and the Toyota Technological Institute.
In July 1982, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. and Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd., which split in 1950, merged again into the Toyota Motor Corporation, integrating both production and sales operations. Accumulated production reached 50 million units in 1986. Also, using technologies gained through the automobile business, the company continues to make steady ground in the housing and industrial vehicle markets.
In recent years, Toyota has aggressively developed overseas operations, including NUMMI, a joint venture with GM, and at present production is carried out at 27 plants in 20 countries/regions. Intense preparations are also continuing for the production of passenger cars in the U.S., Canada and Taiwan, and of small trucks in West Germany jointly with VW.
As one of the events to commemorate its 50th anniversary, Toyota will build an automobile museum in Nagakute-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi Prefecture, the first of its kind in Japan, that will systematically exhibit the 100 years of automobile culture starting with the birth of gasoline-powered cars. Also, to contribute to the local community, the company built the Toyota Memorial Hospital, a general hospital equipped with leading-edge medical equipment, in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, which opened September 15, 1987.
As a part of continuing traffic safety promotion activities, Toyota will produce a video on traffic safety for a young audience and will present some 15,000 copies to prefectural and municipal governments, as well as relevant organizations and groups across the nation.
An outline of the 50th anniversary commemorative activities is as follows
Construction of the Automobile Museum
Located in Nagakute-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi Prefecture, the museum will house famous historic Western and Japanese cars, including examples from other makers. It will be a three-story steel reinforced concrete structure, with approximately 11,000m2 of floor space. The ground-breaking ceremony will take place in December, 1987 and it is expected to be completed by the spring of 1989.
Restoration of the AA Passenger Car
Before beginning construction on the automobile museum, Toyota reproduced its first commercialized passenger car, the AA, using the original blueprints to allow the exact specifications of the original. (All original AA models have been lost.)
The replica will be displayed in the Toyota Kaikan Exhibition Hall, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture from November 4 (Wed.) through late December.
Construction of the Toyota Memorial Hospital
The Toyota Hospital, which had served as a medical center for the community, was rebuilt at a new location and given a new name, with the aim of providing higher-level medical treatment. Equipped with many sophisticated medical devices, the new hospital was opened on September 15 in Heiwa-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. It maintains 513 beds for general patients and 27 departments―all to enhance its service to the community.
Production and Presentation of Traffic Safety Video
This 25-minute video is intended to help prevent traffic accidents by explaining to drivers in general, specifically young people, how precise control of the automobile based on the total understanding of its mechanisms and self-control of drivers themselves are essential.
The video stresses the importance of "sensible driving" and will be presented to relevant government offices, prefectural and municipal governments, police headquarters, traffic safety associations and driving schools. Approximately 15,000 copies will be in circulation.
Publication of the 50-vear History
Toyota's 50-year history entitled "Sozo Kagirinaku (Boundless Creativity)," will be a corporate history and include 12 chapters describing the company history chronologically, from Sakichi Toyoda's biographical sketch to the company of today. A large number of old and new pictures are included, many in color. Around 70,000 copies will be printed.
Fifty Years of Toyota
Events Related to Toyota

On Our 50th Anniversary
Toyota Motor Corporation, founded in 1937, celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to those of you who have supported and cared for the company. The company owes you a great deal.
On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, we stand determined to take the first step toward our next half century, renewing our faith in Toyota's founding spirit, "Research and Creation Ahead of the Times" and "Contribution to Society," with the courage to remain open to reform while fulfilling our dreams for the future.
We would like to continue our efforts to make Toyota grow as a good citizen around the world, aiming to build an affluent society through automobiles. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Shoichiro Toyoda
Toyota Motor Corporation