May. 22, 1985
Medium Lower Category
In the ranking of most trouble-free automobiles announced by ADAC (Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil Club, West Germany's automobile federation), Toyota's Tercel and Corolla models took 1st and 2nd place in the medium lower automobile category.
These rankings, based on data about vehicle breakdowns obtained during 1984 from members of ADAC when there were calls for vehicle repairs on the road, one of ADAC's services to members, resulted from a survey of breakdown frequency among car models that sold more than 10,000 units in 1984. The models included were divided into four categories, based on engine displacement, specifications and other factors. Totals of breakdown frequency during 1984 were recorded for cars registered in 1982, 1983 and 1984, and separate rankings were set in the four categories.
The only Toyota automobiles included in the study were the Tercel and Corolla. In the medium lower automobile category, the Tercel's results showed that for every 1,000 cars, the number of breakdowns was only 3.5 for those registered in 1984, 4.3 for those registered in 1983, and 10.4 for those in 1982. Corolla results were 6.1 for cars registered in 1984, 5.2 for those in 1983 and 12.1 for those in 1982. The Tercel and Corolla thus were ranked 1st and 2nd as the most trouble-free passenger cars for two years straight.
The attached chart shows the ADAC ranking. In the medium lower automobiles, Japanese cars all placed in the upper ranks.
Road Breakdowns Per 1,000 Cars in the Medium Lower Category 1984
- Note
- Ranking based on 3-year average number of breakdowns per 1,000 cars, except that some adjustments made depending on when particular car introduced.