For Investors
Stock Information
- On which domestic and overseas stock exchanges is Toyota listed?
Toyota is listed on the following domestic and overseas stock exchanges.
Japan: Tokyo, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo
Overseas: New York, London
- What is Toyota's securities code in Japan?
The securities ticker symbol is 7203.
- What are the ticker symbol used on the New York and London stock exchanges?
The New York Stock Exchange symbol is TM; the London Stock Exchange code is TYT.
- When were Toyota shares first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
Toyota shares were first listed on the First Section of the Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka stock exchanges in May 1949.
- When were Toyota shares first listed on overseas stock exchanges?
Toyota shares were first listed on the New York and London stock exchanges in September 1999.
- What are the details regarding dividends?
Information concerning dividend policies, changes in dividends, dividend payout confirmation dates, and payment methods can be found on the Dividends page.
Please click here for the details
Financial Information
- When is the end of Toyota's fiscal year?
The end of the fiscal year is March 31. Toyota also announces financial results every quarter.
Please click here for the details
- Where can I find information on the latest financial results?
The Financial Results page contains financial statements.
Please click here for the details
- Where can I find Integrated Reports / Annual Reports and other financial documents?
The reports and financial documents can be found on the IR Library page.
Please click here for the details
Jun. 21, 2023
Toyota Launches All-New Alphard and Vellfire in Japan
Sep. 06, 2023
Toyota to Launch New Century in Japan