Toyota City, Japan, June 13, 2019―Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), at its ordinary general shareholders' meeting today, assigned executives, and, at a meeting of the board of directors following the ordinary general shareholders' meeting, it appointed representative directors and directors with special titles, as well as made decisions on organizational changes, on promotions to and changes in the responsibilities of operating officers, and on changes in the responsibilities of senior professionals/senior management, effective July 1.

Faced with the advance of technological innovations in the form of CASE, and as the very concept of the automobile is on the verge of changing, TMC is seeking to redesign itself into a mobility company. The changes announced today are aimed at promoting with a sense of speed the making of ever-better cars by honing Toyota's power of manufacturing in the real world, together with accelerating TMC's taking up of the challenge of innovating its business model.

Specifically, TMC will expand its Toyota ZEV Factory, which it established in October last year with the aim of speeding up decision-making and strengthening internal coordination. In addition to the Toyota ZEV Factory's current responsibilities related to business strategy planning for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), as well as its responsibilities related to development planning and product development for BEVs, integrating into it functions related to FCEV development and manufacturing will result in full consolidation of planning, development, and manufacturing processes for all of TMC's zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Along with further promoting new ways to approach work―ways that started with the establishment of the EV Business Planning Department in December 2016―TMC will also take up the challenge of constructing new business models that incorporate productization with a sense of speed together with many partner companies and groups, as well as incorporate alliances with and sales to other companies.

Also, to hone its manufacturing abilities in the real world and to strengthen the competitiveness of its products from the viewpoint of its customers, TMC will establish the Vehicle Development Center. By consolidating the functions of advanced planning and advanced development of the TNGA Management Division and of the in-house Advanced R&D and Engineering Company with a portion of the product planning and system development fields of the in-house Powertrain Company and linking such to lean processes ranging from advanced planning and advanced development to mass production development at its in-house companies responsible for specific vehicle types, TMC will aim to increase development speed. By consolidating advanced planning and advanced development for electronic controls and various vehicle platforms, among others, with powertrain planning and work related to vehicle adaption, TMC will aim to further strengthen the competitiveness of its products. Furthermore, TMC will further advance its manufacturing of ever-better cars by promoting the cultivation of a skilled workforce capable of development that considers a vehicle's overall optimization, rather than function optimization, from the viewpoint of its customers.

Toward sustainable growth, TMC has cultivated its workforce by creating structures―such as through establishing business units, restructuring its regional headquarters, and introducing an in-house company system―that enable leaders close to the workplace to make quick decisions and to take action that matches the needs of each business and region and that allow the flexible deployment of human resources. The latest revisions to TMC's organizational structure are meant as a way of implementing the evolution of Toyota's spirit of constantly striving to become better at each juncture and in response to issues at each place of engagement. Going forward, from a mid-to-long-term perspective, TMC will unwaveringly advance initiatives for innovation.

Changes made to both Audit and Supervisory Board Members and Board Members effective June 13, 2019

New Audit and Supervisory Board Members

Name Current Title
Haruhiko Kato Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO of Japan Securities Depository Center, Incorporated
Katsuyuki Ogura General Manager, Audit & Supervisory Board Office (TMC)

Audit and Supervisory Board Members Resigning Posts

Masahiro Kato
Yoshiyuki Kagawa

Board Members

  1. Members of the Board of Directors
Name Title
Takeshi Uchiyamada Chairman of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
Shigeru Hayakawa Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
Akio Toyoda*1 President, Member of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
Koji Kobayashi*2 Member of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
Didier Leroy*2 Member of the Board of Directors
Shigeki Terashi*2 Member of the Board of Directors
Ikuro Sugawara*3 Member of the Board of Directors
Sir Philip Craven*3 Member of the Board of Directors
Teiko Kudo*3 Member of the Board of Directors

*1Concurrent operating officer (president)

*2Concurrent operating officer (executive vice president)

*3External board member

  1. Audit and Supervisory Board Members
Name Title
Haruhiko Kato Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full-time)
Masahide Yasuda Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full-time)
Katsuyuki Ogura Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full-time)
Yoko Wake Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Hiroshi Ozu Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Nobuyuki Hirano Audit and Supervisory Board Member

Areas of responsibility for senior professionals/senior management serving as chief officer/chief executive officer effective June 13, 2019

Name Current New
Masahiro Inoue
  • Latin America & Caribbean Region (Chief Executive Officer)
    Latin America & Caribbean Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Toyota Argentina S.A.
  • Toyota do Brasil LTDA.
  • Toyota de Venezuela Compania Anonima
  • Latin America & Caribbean Region (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Toyota Argentina S.A.
  • Toyota do Brasil LTDA.
  • Toyota de Venezuela Compania Anonima

Changes regarding operating officers' areas of responsibility effective June 13, 2019

Name Current New
Rie Kawamoto Audit & Supervisory Board Office (Project General Manager) Audit & Supervisory Board Office (General Manager)
Hiroshi Yonenaga Sales and Marketing Dept. 2 (General Manager), Latin America & Caribbean Div.
  • Latin America & Caribbean Div. (General Manager)
  • Sales and Marketing Dept. 2 (General Manager), Latin America & Caribbean Div.

Organizational changes effective July 1, 2019

  1. Group & Company
Group & Company
  1. Fields
  1. Divisions

New Operating Officers effective July 1, 2019

Name Current Title
Kenta Kon
  • Accounting Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
    Accounting Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President)
Keiji Yamamoto Connected Company (Executive Vice President)

Operating officers' areas of responsibility effective July 1, 2019

*newly appointed
Name Current New
Shigeki Terashi, EVP
  • Toyota ZEV Factory
  • Toyota System Supply
  • Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (President)
  • Powertrain Company (Chairman)
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Toyota ZEV Factory (Chief Officer)
  • Toyota System Supply
  • Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Chairman)
  • Powertrain Company (Chairman)
  • Chief Technology Officer
Shigeki Tomoyama, EVP
  • Connected Company (President)
  • GAZOO Racing Company (President)
  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Connected Company (Chairman)
  • GAZOO Racing Company (President)
  • Chief Information Security Officer
Moritaka Yoshida, EVP
  • TNGA Management Div.
  • Mid-size Vehicle Company (President)
    MS Management Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Vehicle Development Center (President)
  • Mid-size Vehicle Company (President)
    MS Management Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Tatsuro Ueda
  • Business Planning Div.
  • China & Asia Region (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
  • China & Asia Region (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
Tetsuo Ogawa
  • External & Public Affairs Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
  • North America Region (Chief Operating Officer)
  • Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
  • North America Region (Chief Operating Officer)
  • Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Masayoshi Shirayanagi
  • Accounting Group (Chief Officer)
  • Purchasing Group (Chief Officer)
  • External & Public Affairs Group (Chief Officer)
  • Purchasing Group (Chief Officer)
*Kenta Kon
  • Accounting Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
    Accounting Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President)
  • Accounting Group (Chief Officer)
  • Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President)
*Keiji Yamamoto
Connected Company (Executive Vice President)
Connected Company (President)

Areas of responsibility for senior professionals/senior management serving as president effective July 1, 2019

Name Current New
Hiroaki Okuchi Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President) Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (President)

Areas of responsibility for senior professionals/senior management serving as deputy chief officer/deputy chief executive officer, executive vice president, or equivalent effective July 1, 2019

*newly appointed
Name Current New
Naoki Ishii
External & Public Affairs Group (Chief Officer)
External & Public Affairs Div. (concurrent General Manager)
External & Public Affairs Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
External & Public Affairs Div. (concurrent General Manager)
*Yoji Matsuyama
Purchasing Group Unit Parts Purchasing Div. (General Manager)
Purchasing Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
Unit Parts Purchasing Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Kazuhiro Fukazawa
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President)
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (Executive Vice President)
Vehicle Technology Field (Field General Manager)
Advanced Body Technology Development Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Hideharu Matsuoka
Connected Company
Connected Business Field (Field General Manager)
Connected Company (Executive Vice President)
Connected Business Field (Field General Manager)

Areas of responsibility for senior professionals/senior management serving as field general manager or equivalent effective July 1, 2019

*newly appointed
Name Current New
Yoshihiko Hamamura
Powertrain Company
Fuel Cell Business Field (Field General Manager)
Fuel Cell Products Development Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Toyota ZEV Factory
Fuel Cell Business Field (Field General Manager)
Yu Nishimura Purchasing Group (Deputy Chief Officer) Accounting Group
Takefumi Shiga
  • TNGA Management Div. (General Manager)
  • Mid-size Vehicle Company
    MS Engineering Field (Field General Manager)
Vehicle Development Center
TNGA Management Div. (General Manager)
Body Field (Field General Manager)
Simon Humphries
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Design Field (Field General Manager)
Vehicle Development Center
Design Field (Field General Manager)
Akira Akiyama
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Vehicle Technology Field (Field General Manager)
Advanced Vehicle Engineering Development Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Vehicle Development Center
Chassis & Vehicle Technology Field (Field General Manager)
Koichi Shirozu
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Electronics Technology Field (Field General Manager)
Vehicle Development Center
E/E Architecture Field (Field General Manager)
Mitsumasa Yamagata
Powertrain Company
Product Planning / System Development Field (Field General Manager)
Powertrain Product Planning Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Vehicle Development Center
    Powertrain Planning & System Development Field (Field General Manager)
    Powertrain Product Planning Div. (concurrent General Manager)
  • Powertrain Company
    Powertrain System Development Field (Field General Manager)
*Takashi Imai
Connected Company
Connected Advanced Development Div. (General Manager)
Connected Company
Connected Technology Field (Field General Manager)
Connected Advanced Development Div. (concurrent General Manager)

Areas of responsibility for General Managers, Chief Engineers, and Chief Professional Engineers effective July 1, 2019

Name Current New
Kohei Yoshida Electric Powertrain System Development Div. No. 3 (Project General Manager), Business & Product Planning / System Development Field, Powertrain Company Fuel Cell Fundamental Development Div. (General Manager), Fuel Cell Business Field
Masaaki Sano Fuel Cell Products Development Div. (Project General Manager), Fuel Cell Business Field, Powertrain Company Fuel Cell Products Development Div. (General Manager), Fuel Cell Business Field
Osamu Azegami Agriculture & Biotechnology Business Div. (General Manager)
  • Agriculture & Biotechnology Business Div. (General Manager)
  • Agri-food business Dept. (General Manager), Agriculture & Biotechnology Business Div.
Kaname Shimizu Finance Div. (General Manager) Accounting Div. (General Manager)
Taku Chikazawa Treasury & Foreign Exchange Dept. (General Manager), Finance Div.
  • Finance Div. (General Manager)
  • Treasury & Foreign Exchange Dept. (General Manager), Finance Div.
Takami Kato Purchasing Planning Div. (General Manager)
  • Purchasing Planning Div. (General Manager)
  • Planning Dept. No. 2 (General Manager), Purchasing Planning Div.
Shuji Watanabe Electrification Unit Parts Dept. (General Manager), Unit Parts Purchasing Div. Unit Parts Purchasing Div. (General Manager)
Masayuki Soga AD-3ADPT (Chief Professional Engineer), Technical Project Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
  • Advanced Project Promotion Div. (Chief Professional Engineer), Technical Project Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
  • E/E Architecture Development Div. (Chief Professional Engineer), E/E Architecture Field, Vehicle Development Center
Sota Noritake Vehicle Dynamics Development Dept. (General Manager), CV Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div., CV Company Advanced Vehicle Engineering Development Div. (General Manager), Vehicle Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Kenichi Yasunaga Fuel Cell Fundamental Development Div. (General Manager), Fuel Cell Business Field, Powertrain Company Material Engineering Div. No.1 (Project General Manager), Material Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Ryo Ikeda Vision Design Div. (General Manager), Design Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company Vision Design Div. (General Manager), Design Field, Vehicle Development Center
Yutaka Ohnuma MS Chassis Engineering Div. (General Manager), MS Engineering Field, Mid-size Vehicle Company Chassis Development Div. (General Manager), Chassis & Vehicle Technology Field, Vehicle Development Center
Akihiko Ootsuka MS Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div. (General Manager), MS Engineering Field, Mid-size Vehicle Company
  • Vehicle Engineering Development Div. (General Manager), Chassis & Vehicle Technology Field, Vehicle Development Center
  • Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Management Dept. (General Manager), Vehicle Engineering Development Div. Chassis & Vehicle Technology Field, Vehicle Development Center
Masato Hashimoto Electronics Control System Development Div. (General Manager), Electronics Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company E/E Architecture Development Div. (General Manager), E/E Architecture Field, Vehicle Development Center
Osamu Koketsu Electronics Control Engineering Div. (General Manager), Electronics Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company Vehicle Electronics System Development Div. (General Manager), E/E Architecture Field, Vehicle Development Center
Hiroki Okada Electronics Control System Development Div. (Chief Professional Engineer), Electronics Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company Vehicle Electronics System Development Div. (Chief Professional Engineer), E/E Architecture Field, Vehicle Development Center
Tatsuya Sonoda Temporary External Transfer to Toyota Europe Design Development S.A.R.L. MS Design Div. (General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
Hiroshi Kawahara
  • MS Design Div. (General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
  • Design Dept. No.1 (General Manager), MS Design Div., Mid-size Vehicle Company
MS Body Design Div. (Project General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
Takao Murakami Chassis Project Dept. No.1 (General Manager), Advanced Chassis Development Div., Vehicle Technology Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company MS Chassis Engineering Div. (General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
Yoshihiro Kawamoto Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div (Group Manager), Toyota Compact Car Company MS Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div (General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
Tsuneo Miyakoshi Vehicle Development Dept. No.1 (General Manager), Automated Driving & Advanced Safety System Development Div., Advanced Safety System Field, Advanced R&D and Engineering MS Automated Driving & Advanced Safety System Development Div. (General Manager), Mid-size Vehicle Company
Masahide Ishikawa CV Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div. (General Manager), CV Company
  • CV Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div. (General Manager), CV Company
  • Vehicle Dynamics Development Dept. (General Manager), CV Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Div., CV Company
Takashi Uehara Powertrain Product Planning Div. (Chief Engineer), Business & Product Planning / System Development Field, Powertrain Company
  • Powertrain System Development Field (Chief Engineer), Powertrain Company
  • Electric Powertrain Development Management Dept. (General Manager), Powertrain System Development Field, Powertrain Company