Toyota City, Japan, April 1, 2022―Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced that it recruited 1,480 employees during fiscal year 2022, including 1,104 new employees starting on April 1.

Number of new employees (as of April 1, 2022)

Job Type FY2023 FY2022
Administrative positions* 75 53
Engineering positions* 293 302
Clerical positions 25 26
Technical positions* 609 568
Health services positions* 101 91
Sports-related positions 1 5
Total 1,104 1,045

*Including mid-career recruitment

The table below shows recruitment statistics for FY2022.

Job Type FY2022 Recruitment Statistics*1 FY2021 Recruitment Statistics
Administrative positions*2 94 88
Engineering positions*2*3 449 531
Clerical positions 26 30
Technical positions Regular 514 541
(Hiring by full-time staff appointment system)
173 199
Toyota Technical Skills Academy High school program 111 126
Advanced technical training 113 120
Total*4 1,480 1,635

*1April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022

*2Including mid-career recruitment

*3Including automotive mechanic schools

*4Excluding health services positions and including non-Japanese employees

Sustainable Development Goals

Toyota Motor Corporation works to develop and manufacture innovative, safe and high-quality products and services that create happiness by providing mobility for all. We believe that true achievement comes from supporting our customers, partners, employees, and the communities in which we operate. Since our founding over 80 years ago in 1937, we have applied our Guiding Principles in pursuit of a safer, greener and more inclusive society. Today, as we transform into a mobility company developing connected, automated, shared and electrified technologies, we also remain true to our Guiding Principles and many of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals to help realize an ever-better world, where everyone is free to move.

SDGs Initiatives