Nov. 05, 2016
The Red Corolla that Gave Me a Life of Joy

Tomoko Miyazaki bought her brand new red Corolla in 1970 and still carefully maintains it until today. She bought her Corolla just as the second generation was being launched as a full model change from the first generation.
Ms. Miyazaki explains, “I actually also drove a first generation Corolla before that. It was also red. But when the second generation came out, the new red color appealed more to me. So I bought the new Corolla as a replacement, and I have kept it ever since.”

Ms. Miyazaki explains that she was awaken to the joys of driving by driving her second generation Corolla. At the time, her daily routine was to drive her husband to the train station for his morning commute to work, but about once per week she would continue on to Hakone after dropping him off to drive along the winding mountain roads before returning to her former home in Yokohama.
She happily recollects those days saying, “I particularly enjoyed driving down the mountain roads, quickly and nimbly. It was great fun.”
At the time, there were only a few women with driver’s licenses. The picture of Ms. Miyazaki driving her red Corolla must have been a captivating sight for others.
“Well, I don’t know how captivating it was, but I was young after all. Men tried talking to me on many occasions when I was with my Corolla. Back then, I would return to the station in the evening to pick my husband who was returning late from work, and men I did not know would always seem to gather in the vicinity as I waited. They’d say, “Why don’t we drive our cars around Hakone together?” I guess today you’d call that a pick-up line. I remember that they were all very gentlemanly about it. Of course, I always politely refused!”

It has been 46 years since she bought her red Corolla. Throughout the years, the carefully maintained Corolla had been repainted on several occasions. However, the color remained unchanged.
“I really like this particular red,” she says. “It’s a color they no longer use apparently. When I asked the painters, they told me that it takes a great deal of effort to recreate this particular red. But I always have them make that effort to paint it the exact same color.”
Ms. Miyazaki has created many memories with her Corolla. She once drove all the way to Nagano Prefecture - a long way, to attend her relative’s wedding. After the ceremony, she drove home alone in a downpour so heavy that the bullet trains had stopped.
“The body size of the Corolla is just perfect for me, so I am able to drive without ever feeling nervous,” she explains. “It is fun to drive, so I never tire even when driving long distances.... But I must admit that the summers were hard. It can get so hot because there’s no air conditioner. I’d put an ice pack down by my feet as I drove.”

Ms. Miyazaki always went to Corolla dealerships to have maintenance done on her beloved Corolla. Particularly in the past 20 years, she has always requested for the same mechanic to do the work.
“When that mechanic is transferred to another dealership, I always take my car to that dealership for maintenance,” she explains. “It’s as though he’s the primary physician for my Corolla.”
While the car had never had difficulties for many years since its initial purchase, it began to show signs of trouble in its 46th year. The car is currently in the shop for repairs at the Corolla dealership where her “primary physician” is employed. Ms. Miyazaki says it makes her a little bit lonely.

Ms. Miyazaki sadly states that, “They’ve lent me a replacement car for the time being, and every time I meet someone I know they put on a sad face and ask me if I’ve replaced my Corolla. So my Corolla and I is an inseparable pair in everyone’s eyes.”
Ms. Miyazaki says that her life has been filled with happiness because of her Corolla. While the troubles with her beloved car are apparently somewhat serious, she “fully believes he will fix it,” and her “primary physician” is working as hard as he can to meet her expectations.