Make the Ultra Long Shot, AI Basketball Robot CUE!

The development of the AI basketball robot "CUE" began as a voluntary activity within the company in 2017. In December 2022, a webinar*1 was conducted to introduce the technology of CUE, and as a result of watching it, two new members joined the CUE development team in April 2023. One is Keinosuke Soda, who aspired to the Frontier Research Center as a new graduate. The other is Taiga Goto, who transferred from a different department at Toyota because of his strong desire. The two worked together with the CUE development team and spent about six months developing the Ultra Long Shot. Please take a look at the results*2.

Please select English subtitles when watching.


*1 Conducted on December 4, 2022, TECHPLAY. In-depth Explanation of Toyota's "Humanoid Robot," - Revealing the Whole Picture from Architecture, Motion Control Theory, to Research Process of Achieving Physical and Communication Realization - TOYOTA Developers Night, The Research Organization that Creates Toyota's Future, Frontier Research Center, Vol. 3. Japanese only.
*2 Broadcasted on April 25, 2024. TV program Car & Future is currently airing every Thursday from 22:58 (JST) on Aichi Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Available in Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures in Japan (as of the end of May 2024).

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